IBPS RRB Clerk 2017-18 Cut Off and Score Card - State Wise

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IBPS RRB Clerk 2017-18 Cut Off and Score Card - State Wise

All the candidates who appeared for IBPS RRB Clerk Examination were eagerly waiting for the for the final results to be declared.

IBPS RRB Clerk 2017-18 Cut Off and Score Card - State Wise

So students, the cut off scores of RRB Clerk 2017-18 Examination are finally out and you can check the state-wise cut-off under this post.

Following is the state-wise cut-off for RRB Clerk 2017-18:

State / UT Category
SC ST OBC General
Andhra Pradesh 50.07 40.32 56.28 59.88
Arunchal Pradesh NA 40.28 NA 54.66
Assam 51.94 54.91 53.38 57.94
Bihar 52.41 46.97 61.28 65.97
Chhattisgarh 48.13 39.88 58.03 60.85
Gujarat 52.75 40.25 58.60 60.85
Haryana 49.35 NA 58.66 67.19
Himachal Pradesh 50.66 50.72 57.32 63.16
Jammu & Kashmir 46.07 32.53 54.10 66.35
Jharkhand 49.97 39.72 58.03 61.69
Karnataka 46.10 41.53 53.35 55.66
Kerala 50.60 41.63 59.25 63.44
Madhya Pradesh 50.78 42.00 58.57 64.32
Maharashtra 54.69 39.60 55.28 59.32
Manipur NA 55.10 66.53 61.41
Meghalaya NA 38.16 44.16 42.60
Mizoram NA 36.85 44.00 49.03
Nagaland NA 47.63 NA NA
Odisha 45.07 36.63 57.94 60.03
Punducherry 52.00 NA 59.75 59.82
Punjab 48.72 46.91 55.88 64.63
Rajasthan 49.97 45.32 60.85 64.82
Tamil Nadu 53.53 42.28 60.69 61.78
Telangana 49.66 45.00 60.69 61.78
Tripura 42.07 29.57 NA 55.03
Uttar Pradesh 46.97 39.25 54.91 61.25
Uttarakhand 45.16 47.13 54.07 62.57
West Bengal 57.57 43.60 55.53 64.53

Check IBPS RRB Clerk 2017-18 Final Result

Click Here For the IBPS RRB PO State wise Cut Off 2017-18

We congratulates all the candidates who got placed through this recruitment process in different rural banks. And all those who could not make the grades in this examination need not get disheartened as something better awaits them in near future.

Team Aimsuccess

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